
Laptop Battery Optimization

Description: The batteries in Apple laptops come with well-designed systems that are advertised as one of the longest run times compared to notebooks with similar specifications. However, while some people are able to get similar times to those announced by Apple, others are frustrated with their experiences of these execution times is truncated by at least an hour of the scheduled time, even on new computers. This is mainly due to a difference in the test of Apple versus the way an average user will run the laptop. The best thing is to consider the battery time to be announced at the upper end of what can be achieved, and that Apple tests and environmental conditions are the most appropriate information, and the batteries are charged.
Many factors can contribute to battery performance, including age, use, calibration, environmental factors, and general cargo. When someone goes to a cafe or library and browse the Web while listening to music, even with seemingly minimal burden on the team, carried out many tasks that can quickly drain the battery. bright screen and run multiple applications are just a few tasks that can affect battery life.
Tips for using basic computer
For a basic use of the computer, here are some tips on how to use the computer for longer battery life. This involves reducing the computing experience, but if done correctly, can increase battery life, and sometimes well above the advertised times.
1. Turn off Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. If necessary, disable the wireless network, since it consumes much battery power to transmit and receive wireless signals. This is not only disable the hardware (or at least put in a low-power mode), but also to avoid the tasks of operating the system controller to control these devices. If the network is needed, you must use an Ethernet connection, if available.
2. Dim the screen. The screen is one of the biggest battery drainers in the system, and we recommend that the screen goes dark as much as possible. Ideally, you should run the brightness of the screen to first use the best battery life. This may take some getting used to, but the performance difference in time between the minimum and maximum brightness brightness can be hours.
3. Turn off the screen when a break from work. Depending on what is being done on the computer, there may be times when you are thinking about your work, or not actively looking at the screen and interact with your computer. This can be for a few seconds or minutes, but a habit that will increase the battery is completely dark screen when not in use. For example, before taking a break to stretch or chat with people, press the weak "until the screen turns off completely. So light up the screen just enough to close and regular tasks again when you have finished tasks. This habit can increase battery life.
4. Turn off the backlight of the keyboard. As with the screen, the keyboard backlight should be turned off unless absolutely necessary, and in turn, only minimally.
5. Put your computer in sleep mode when taking long breaks. Avoid turning on the computer as the starter until the battery is exhausted. However, if you are taking a break from the work of 5-10 minutes, put the computer into standby mode. This can be done through the Apple menu, or press the power button followed by "s" at the time of closing options appear. This can be a little faster to carry out this task using the menus.
6. Optimization of System Preferences. In the "Energy Saver" System Preferences, switch to "Better Battery Life" graphics when running on battery (for new MacBook Pro), and also check the option to put hard drives to sleep skype phone whenever possible . There are several options for additional system configuration can increase battery life:
Turn off the foreground, uncheck all items in the "Search Results" list in System Preferences in the foreground.
Turn off "automatically adjust brightness ..." on screen in System Preferences.
Hot off the corners of the screen (accessible on the screen saver "Screen" or "Expose System Preferences) to prevent accidental activation.
Avoid using Spaces, Exposé and Dashboard. If you have already activated dashboard, you can exit to restart the Dock. To do this, type the following command in the terminal:
killall Dock
Off the IR remote control in the security section of System Preferences.
Turn off unnecessary sharing services.
6. Disconnect any peripheral device peripheral devices will have some power to run, and we recommend that minimize the use of these devices. USB mice, hard drives, storage units and even all take a little energy to operate, and as such, will reduce the execution time of the computer. Also, avoid using the CD / DVD.
7. Turn off unnecessary applications. Any open applications will address the additional CPU cycles. All antivirus programs, media players, the players menu and utilities installed using CPU cycles, and we recommend you leave these applications, while the battery. Close the web browsing, and when I see a Web page, close the browser window.
Tips for battery maintenance
Beyond optimizing the way to run the computer when the battery, there are some ways you can help keep your batteries as healthy as possible. The following tips should ensure the longevity of the batteries.
1. Regularly calibrate your battery when the batteries lose their ability to use, but will die over time without use. This does not mean you should use the battery all the time, but it's good to come regularly to ensure that it is being fully utilized on a regular basis. Regardless of use, we recommend calibrating the battery regularly (once every 1-2 months), which not only ensure the battery is being used, but also set the computer to correctly determine the remaining battery time.